Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Germany vs. Russia

So first off let me apologize for this being a little bit late, I have no good excuses so sorry if anyone had to go back to do this one, I'll have to make it good!

My topic was on Germany vs. Russia, and we've talked a lot in class about how Russia was a bit of an "oddball" because it's philosophies and actions were more like to those of Germany but it was allied with the Allies. This wasn't really because of it's choice but because Hitler wouldn't have them as allies either.

This reading went pretty in depth into Hitler as a person, and what his possible motives could've been for what he wanted. A big similarity I caught between this reading and what I know of Stalin and Russia is that they were very naive-sounding people, very preocuppied with their own visions of glory. Hitler dreamed of how he would repopulate and organize Russia, while Stalin was pretty much obsessed with having total, complete control, without any objections. Possibily the biggest similarity I saw between Stalin and Hitler was their complete and total stubbornness and their belief that they were always correct, that facts were somehow meaningless. The entire time the Eastern front was being fought both believed only what they wanted and acted on only what they thought they heard, to me this is a huge part of why the Eastern front was so brutal.  Stalin refused to believe that Germany was planning an attack on them despite clear evidence that it was happening, while Hitler vastly underestimated the power of Russia and the length of time that the German troops would be there. My question for you all to ponder is this, if Hitler hadn't hated communism the way he did, do you think that the war would've ended differently?